Arizona District Tartan Decal
6.5″ x 4.5″ oval decal made of UV resistant vinyl.
Tartan is one of the great symbols of Scotland and a source of personal pride, among the Scottish people and those elsewhere with Scottish heritage. Mistakenly referred to as “plaid”, tartan is a multi-colored, patterned cloth, consisting of criss-crossed, horizontal and vertical bands. In Scotland, a “plaid” is a large piece …
Arizona Ridgenose Rattlesnake Decal
6.5″ x 4.25″ oval decal made of UV resistant vinyl.
Ask most Arizonans what the state reptile is and you will hear, the Western diamondback rattlesnake or the Gila monster. Those are both great guesses but they are not correct. The correct answer is the unassuming Arizona ridge-nosed rattlesnake (Crotalus willardi). It was discovered in 1905 by businessman, Frank Willard, from …
Arizona State Flag Decal
6.5″ x 4.5″ oval decal made of UV resistant vinyl.
Most of us would have to agree that Arizona has one of the coolest flag designs, if not THE coolest flag design out of all 50 states. We Arizonans love us some Arizona state flag. It is seen everywhere and on everything. Just in case you didn’t know, the top half …
Arizona Tree Frog Decal
6.5″ x 4.5″ oval decal made of UV resistant vinyl.
The Arizona tree frog, also known as the Wright’s Mountain tree frog is found in the mountains of central Arizona and western New Mexico. It’s natural habitat is located in oak, pine and fir forests, generally above a 5,000 foot elevation. At an unusually small size, the Arizona tree frog ranges …
Bola/Bolo Tie State Neckware Decal
6.5″ x 4.5″ oval decal made of UV resistant vinyl.
This Southwestern style of necktie has a spelling discrepancy. Many people call it a bolo tie, while others call it a bola tie, including members of the Bola Tie Society of Arizona. Their reasoning is that the correct spelling of the tie should be bola because a bolo is a machete-like …
Cactus Wren Arizona State Bird Decal
6.5″ x 4.5″ oval decal made of UV resistant vinyl.
Of all the state symbols, excluding the Arizona state flag, the cactus wren is typically the most well known. The cactus wren is the largest of all the species of wren in the United States. In our state, it is found mostly in the western and southern third of Arizona. Cactus …
Chandler Arizona Ostrich Festival Decal
6.5″ x 4.5″ oval decal made of UV resistant vinyl.
Chandler, Arizona was founded by and named after Dr. A. J. Chandler, a native Canadian. He moved to the territory in 1891 and became its first veterinary surgeon. A few years after the town was created, Dr. Chandler purchased around 200 ostriches, from another farmer in the West Valley, and started …
Copper State Mineral Decal
6.5″ x 4.5″ oval decal made of UV resistant vinyl.
Arizona’s economy was founded on the “Five C’s”, They were as follows – copper, cattle, cotton, citrus, and climate. Mining of copper has been a major industry, in Arizona, since the mid-1870’s and our state is the leading producer of copper in the United States, accounting for approximately 65% of the …
Lemonade State Beverage Decal
6.5″ x 4.5″ oval decal made of UV resistant vinyl.
I don’t know too many people who dislike a refreshing glass of fresh squeezed lemonade. I, myself, have picked lemons off an Arizona grown lemon tree and made my own glorious lemonade. Many people question why lemonade was chosen as the state beverage of Arizona. The answer that makes the best …
OURizona Original Decal
6.5″ x 4.5″ oval decal made of UV resistant vinyl.
This is the OURizona original decal. I wanted a motif that proudly represented Arizona. First off, I had to find the perfect font. This “Walter Turncoat” font, with its rugged and uneven letter design, to me, embodies the “Old West”. Secondly, I wanted to include Arizona’s unique and widely recognized outline. …
Petrified Wood State Fossil Decal
6.5″ x 4.5″ oval decal made of UV resistant vinyl.
Stagecoach roads, the opening of the Atlantic and Pacific Railroad and the development of U.S. Route 66 (The Mother Road) were paramount in the rising popularity of petrified wood, in Arizona. The Petrified Forest National Park, created in 1962, was previously the Petrified Forest National Monument, created by President Theodore Roosevelt, …
Revolver State Firearm Decal
6.5″ x 4.5″ oval decal made of UV resistant vinyl.
This revolver was the most popular handgun in the “Old West”. Also known as the “Peacemaker”, this particular firearm is an extremely famous piece of Americana. It was proudly carried by military personnel, lawmen, outlaws, ranchers and cowboys alike. The Colt SAA was originally issued to the U.S. Cavalry, with an …
Ringtail Arizona State Mammal Decal
6.5″ x 4.5″ oval decal made of UV resistant vinyl.
When most people discover that the ringtail is the Arizona state mammal, the general response is, “The what?” or “The ring-tailed lemur, from Madagascar?”. That was my response. The North American ringtail is a cat-sized carnivore that looks a little like a small fox with a long tail, similar to a …
Saguaro Cactus Flower Decal
6.5″ x 4.5″ oval decal made of UV resistant vinyl.
The saguaro cactus flower is strikingly beautiful. These flowers are primarily found near the tops of the stem and the ends of the arms of this majestic tree-like cactus. The blossoms average 3 inches in diameter with white petals around the perimeter and yellow stamens and stigma in the middle. They …
Turquoise State Gem Decal
6.5″ x 4.5″ oval decal made of UV resistant vinyl
Arizona is the largest producer of turquoise in this country. Most collectors consider U.S. turquoise to be among the worlds finest, with Arizona having the best blue turquoise. Even though turquoise is a mineral, because it occurs naturally in the earth’s crust, a turquoise crystal can be cut and polished, to …
Two-Tailed Swallowtail Butterfly Decal
6.5″ x 4.5″ oval decal made of UV resistant vinyl.
Swallowtail butterflies are the largest species of butterfly in the U.S., and more specifically the two-tailed, is the largest swallowtail in western North America. It’s wingspan can range from 3 to 6.5 inches and is a very strong flyer. Our state butterfly is only found west of the Mississippi River but …
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